The entrance to Diemersdal Wine Estate
Six generations of Louws have practiced their art with skill and passion at Diemersdal since the Estate passed into their hands in 1885.

The farm covers 340 hectares of land, with 180 of those under vines.
The rest consists of grazing land, as well as a sizeable area of
Renosterveld, one of the most threatened vegetation types in the world and an asset they work hard to conserve.
WinesThe dry land vineyards develop concentrated flavours, uniformly ripened by the cooling sea-breezes from the Atlantic Ocean.

The following wines are made on the farm:
- Whites - Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay.
- Reds - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz and Pinotage.
- Blends - Matys, Private Collection and the flagship, MM Louw.

Wine Tasting09:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday
09:00 - 15:00 Saturday
Contact information:t: +27 21 976 3361
e: wines@diemersdal.co.za
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