My Cape Town
This My Cape Town page, is actually YOUR Cape Town page. :-)
This is where you get to share what it is what makes this city so special.
Who would want to read what I think?
- Well for starters, I will read it, but also many others looking for something different to do. Or just to be reminded again what is on offer. (Also see the attraction of the day page for new ideas)
- Maybe you can even get in touch with a long lost friend or relative again.
So why don't YOU spend a few minutes to share your intimate knowledge of Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula lower down on this page.

See what some well-known Capetonians shared!
David Kramer - South African singer and songwriter
Aleit Swanepoel - International wedding and function co-ordinator
Robyn Roberts - Bridal and evening wear designer
Hesta du Plessis - Organising committee member of Kamersvol Geskenke
Gaby Frescura - Inspiration behind the wedding blog Cap Classique and lover of all things wedding.
Marlene Pereira - Owner of Horizon Travel, a local and popular travel agency! Peter Haarhoff - Owner of the Cape Photographic Company offering photographic tours in the Western Cape.
Caron Leslie - Franchise principal of the Re/Max Property Group.
Sandra Fairfax - Owner of the Blue Buyou Company offering shopping tours in the Western Cape.
Lauren Fowler - Illustrator, graphic designer and thing maker.
Paul du Toit - Hout Bay artist.
Jana Opperman - Musician well-known for her harp music.
PS! When you have problems submitting and you get an error message when submitting, it is probably because someone with the same name as you have already submitted a page. Use your nickname or add a number to your name, e.g. John2 Smith.
Recommended Hotels in Cape Town
Western Cape Hotels
Share your Cape Town with all!
This is where you can share all your favourites with everyone..
Here are some thoughts to inspire you and remember, this is YOUR list:
- Restaurant - name, where, favourite dish, drink, ambiance
- Hotel / B&B - name, where, why, memories, attractions in the vicinity
- Camping site- name, where, why, memories, attractions in the vicinity
- Place to take your kids - kids names, age, where do they want to go, why, activities
- Walk - where, anything to beware off, not to be missed, duration, difficulty, facilities
- Drive - where, anything to beware off, not to be missed, duration, difficulty, facilities, where to stop
- Sunny day activity - what, where and why
- Rainy day activity - what, where and why
- Your 3 top Cape Town attractions - name, why
- "Secret place" - where, why, when, not to be missed
- Shop / Craft Market - when, where, their speciality, salesman with flair
- Cape Town "You Tube" video - use the embed facility on its smallest settings
- Festival - when, where, why
- Radio Station - why, which programs, when
- Personality - someone that inspires you, why,
What other visitors have said:
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Braam Botha Not rated yet Braam Botha is Base Manager at Cape Town Helicopters .
Q: Tell us more about yourself - how it came about that you became involved in a touring …
Jana Opperman Not rated yet Q: Tell us more about your yourself– what you do?
I am a musician based in Cape Town and perform regularly at weddings and other events.
Paul du Toit Not rated yet 'I love the art of the untrained and unskilled. I love child art. Imagine drawing a line for the first time'. I am ... living proof that there is no distinction …
Sandra Fairfax Not rated yet Q: Tell me more about your company Blue Buyou – how it started and what it does?
I left the corporate world in 2000 and pioneered shopping …
Lauren Fowler Not rated yet Q: Tell us more about your business– how it started and what it does?
I am an illustrator, graphic designer and thing maker. My main focus of …
Caron Leslie Not rated yet Caron Leslie is a franchise principal of the Re/Max Property Group.
Q: Tell us more about Re/Max- your areas and your expertise, etc?
Peter Haarhoff Not rated yet Peter Haarhoff is the owner of The Cape Photographic Company.
Q: Tell us more about your company - what do you offer and specialise in?
Cape …
Gaby Frescura Not rated yet Tell us more about your Cap Classique blog ?
Cap Classique is a wedding blog focusing on weddings, venues and suppliers in and around the Cape …
Robyn Roberts Not rated yet Q: Tell us more about Robyn Roberts Bridal Wear – what they do and where they do it, specialities, etc?
We manufacture wedding dresses to buy …
Elna Not rated yet Company Gardens: Slightly neglected, but a great way to approach the South African Museum. Children love chasing hordes of pigeons and fighting … Click here to write your own.
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